mold growth

How Mold Can Damage Your Home

Did you know mold can cause damage to your home?

Like how termites eat on wood, mold can eat on drywall, wallpaper, carpet and even wood studs. It can take a while for mold to eat away your home unless it has the perfect environment of high humidity and moisture. Mold can cause severe damage to your home if it is left unchecked. It is essential to periodically check your home for mold growth.

We have put together a list of ways to help prevent mold growth in your home:

  • It is important to clean non-porous materials frequently, such as metal, cast iron, glass, plastics and enamel.
  • Semi-porous materials like wood framing, plywood, brick and concrete might need abrasive cleaning or HEPA vacuuming to ensure there is not mold growth.
  • Porous materials like drywall, fabrics, ceiling tiles and some contents can be HEPA vacuumed unless the mold growth is severe. If there is heavy mold growth, then they should be discarded as stated in IICRC S520.

Give Mold Testing Services a call if you suspect mold in your home or business.